Justice For All

I’m not sure why this phrase is so popular, but it is. I continue to hear these words over and over again until I am repeating them in my sleep. The phrase bombards us on a daily basis filling our heads with notions of justice and freedom, yet very few of the citizens follow this mantra.

I notice that the extent of action in this phrase is limited to people who have an agenda. I’m convinced that a serial killer could win the hearts and minds of Americans if he used this phase before performing his acts of violence. Here’s what I mean by that.

In every criminal case I’ve been involved in, the phrase jumps up over and over again. It permeates the air like a stink bomb going off in a crowed subway. Strangely enough, this phrase is never applied to the person on trial,, only to the victim of the act.

I would like to think that the constitution means something to these folks who sit in judgment of our fellow human beings,, but I’m afraid that the concept of justice for all is limited to retribution in our society today. I’m afraid that individuals on trial do not get that benefit of innocence, that they are instead presumed guilty until the person on trial proves his innocence. Exactly opposite of what this phrase is supposed to mean.

So anyway, enough soap boxing today, now down to business. It appears to me that the concept of justice for all is really a concept for retribution and not a vehicle for innocence. This catchy phrase is limited to hurting the accused and helping the government. Just remember when picking a jury that the ones who have this bumper sticker might just want to convict your client and don’t really care if he or she is innocent. Have a nice day, I’m off to Houston.

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